Brexit And My Former Divination On Scottish Independence

Today’s voting results in Britain in favor of Brexit portend a revival of the movement for Scottish independence and its victory since a significant majority of Scotland want to remain in the EU. In my post Reexamining My Divination On The Scottish Independence Vote published in this blog on September 20, 2014, I had observed:

“What about the symbolism of sage Kapila, the founder of the dualistic Samkhya system of metaphysics, in the divination?

I think that this symbolism was on the “right track” and corresponded to the fact that independence was the topic and issue of the divination and that there is a significant % of Scots aspiring for independence from the UK. I don’t think the recent vote has extirpated the independence movement in Scotland.”

And in my original  “Divination On The Scottish Independence Vote” published on September 12, 2014, I remarked on the symbolism of Sage Kapila:

“Let us consider, in closing, the symbolism of sage Kapila in this divination.

As I observed at the beginning of this piece, in the Hindu pantheon, the sage  Kapila holds the status of the creator of the Sāṃkhya (500 – 200 BCE) system of metaphysics in Indian philosophy. The central goal of this system of metaphysics is liberation or independence of the Puruṣa  or soul from its subjection or “bondage” to prakriti or nature.

At the beginning of the Sāṁkhyakārikā (400 – 500 CE), the central text of this school of metaphysical philosophy, there is an incisive discussion and defense, against powerful objections, of the possibility and feasibility of attaining liberation or independence.

Further, the Sāṃkhya system of metaphysics is dualist in that it countenances two eternal “categories” or “principles”, Puruṣa or soul and prakriti or nature.

I think that the symbolism of dualism in this context also shows that the outcome of the vote on Scottish independence next week is the existence of two nations, Scotland and England, rather than one United Kingdom.”

Perhaps, in retrospect, a good case could be made for the claim that the symbols of the initial divination did correctly indicate what would eventually transpire, namely Scottish independence, but not through the medium of the vote in 2014 on independence.


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